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100 million reasons to trust Scopus

on Mon, 03/03/2025 - 22:55

Scopus data crosses the 100 million item threshold!

In February 2025, Scopus added its 100 millionth content item! In addition to sharing our milestone, the Scopus team wants to share Scopus data insights with Academic Researchers, Data Scientists and Librarians.     Data is key to Elsevier’s position as a leader in information and analytics for customers across global research and health ecosystems.   As an expertly curated abstract and citation database, Scopus has data at its core.  Scopus also provides important data points to Elsevier solutions such as SciVal and Pure. 

Our goal with Scopus is to combine a uniquely comprehensive, expertly curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature across a wide

variety of disciplines. We work to find relevant and authoritative research, identify experts and provide access to reliable data, metrics and analytical tools.   None of this is possible without a love for data and a dedication to providing quality breadth and depth of content. 

What type of content is in Scopus 

The Scopus product team loves our data and there's quite a bit to love. Passing the 100 million item threshold is only part of the Scopus data story. Over the past 20 years we have established relationships with 7,000 publishers in 105 countries.  This allows us to provide content from 278,791 active peer-reviewed journals.  We are also proud of our Open Access content included in Scopus.  There are currently 25.1 million open access articles from 8,137 open access journals indexed in Scopus.  

Through the years, we have also created relationships to expand the types of content and data included in Scopus:  

  • Book Titles - Scopus includes 3.56M total book items from 1,283 individual book series and 399K stand-alone books 
  • Conferences – Scopus includes content from 167K conference events including 12.9M conference papers 
  • Preprints - We added preprints to Scopus in 2021 and now have 2.64M articles from 7 preprint servers 
  • Funding - There are over 23.4 million fully indexed funding acknowledgements in Scopus 

Scopus focuses on quality and accuracy

Scopus has great depth and breadth of article content for researchers, but Scopus data is not just about the quantity.  The quality of our data is a key reason it is trusted by academic institutions, ranking organizations, funding bodies and corporations.   Scopus records contain up to 180 fields and we monitor quality on 28 fields on a monthly basis.   The precision rate for reference linking is more than 99.9%, for organization profiling is more than 99% and for author profiling is more than 97%. Our data is measured using a stringent goldset which is fully representative of the whole corpus of researchers.      

Content curation is another important aspect of Scopus quality.  Only the most reliable journals and their content are available in Scopus as they are carefully curated and ultimately selected by the independent Content Selection Advisory Board (CSAB), an international group of subject experts across all fields of research. The CSAB is comprised of 17 Subject Chairs, each representing a specific subject field. The Board works with the Scopus team to understand how Scopus is used, what content is relevant for users and what enhancements should be made. Year round, the CSAB review titles that are submitted to Scopus.  New content is added to Scopus after a rigorous evaluation process by the subject experts of the Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB). The experts of the CSAB determine whether a title is eligible for indexing in Scopus using the Scopus title selection criteria. They also continuously re-evaluate titles indexed in Scopus to ensure the quality of the existing content is maintained. 

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