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Scopus Checks & Balances: Maintaining Quality Content on Scopus

on Mon, 06/12/2017 - 20:30

When a journal is first suggested for Scopus, it must undergo a rigorous evaluation and selection process to ensure it meets all the high-quality title selection criteria required for acceptance. However, journals must also demonstrate the ability to maintain their quality status year over year. This is where the Re-evaluation program comes in to play.

New on Scopus: CiteScore 2016, export an affiliation’s listed authors and more

on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 23:00

Here’s what's new on Scopus:

  • CiteScore 2016 values and CiteScore Tracker 2017 now available
  • Export up to 100,000 authors from a Scopus Affiliation details page
  • Improved security for Saved Searches
  • Changes to the Document details page

CiteScore 2016 values and CiteScore Tracker 2017 are now available on Scopus:

CiteScore 2016 annual values are now available for over 22,600 titles on both Scopus and

Release Date: 
May 31 2017

CiteScore metrics: Along with new values come improvements

on Fri, 05/26/2017 - 04:11

Over the past six months, a number of significant improvements to CiteScoreTM metrics have been made based on your feedback. Here's a quick summary of those improvements – from the initial launch (December 2016) to today's release of the new CiteScore 2016 values:

  • Transparency – The most notable improvement is the increased transparency of the metrics, enabling you, whether or not you have access to Scopus, to validate any CiteScore value by clicking into the numerator (citations) and denominator

Scopus Case Study: Helping a company stay ahead of the competition

on Mon, 05/22/2017 - 00:00

In chemical R&D, it’s always a race to get to the market first with better solutions. A key to this is being able to perform research fast and efficiently. The more time and money a

company can save in developing a product, the better the chances for success become.

In the “Case Study: Developing a Superior Technology” meet Ian Flemini,” a Senior Technologist and R&D Manager at a chemical company.

Need help on Scopus? Head to the Scopus Support Center

on Wed, 05/03/2017 - 22:12

If you have recently used “Help” on Scopus, you probably noticed a significant change — Scopus has migrated its Help platform to a new Support Center. Whether you are seeking instructions on how a specific feature works, looking for onboarding resources or needing to request a correction, the new Support Center is designed to help you find learning resources and answers to frequently asked questions, quicker and easier. As part of this migration, some of the benefits include:

  • Improved search

CiteScore Revealed: More Transparency, More Clarity

on Wed, 04/26/2017 - 21:51

For metrics to be understood and trusted, clarity into how they work and are calculated is important. When CiteScore was first introduced, we shared the methodology behind the calculation. Now we are taking transparency a step further by enabling anyone to validate any CiteScore value by clicking into the numerator (citations) and denominator (documents) for free.

What this means for you.

When viewing the Source details page for a title on Scopus, you can see the data behind the CiteScore

What's new on Scopus: Author & Affiliation result page changes, new Support Center and CiteScore Transparency

on Wed, 04/26/2017 - 20:55

What’s new on Scopus in this release:

  • Changes to the Author and Affiliation results pages
  • Advanced search improvements
  • A new Scopus Support Center
  • More CiteScore Transparency

Author and Affiliation search results pages

The Author and Affiliation search results pages now share the same look and feel introduced to the Scopus document search results last month -- changes which also help improve web accessibility.

Changes on the Author search results page:

  • The number of author results displays more
Release Date: 
April 26 2017
