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2013 SNIP and SJR journal metrics now available in Scopus

on Tue, 07/22/2014 - 16:53

When evaluating the performance of a journal (or an article or individual researcher), we believe that the research community benefits from having access to a broad range of metrics to better understand performance – it's impossible for one metric to serve all the necessary purposes.

Since 2010 Scopus has offered two journal metrics – the Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) and the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) – via the Journal Analyzer functionality in Scopus.

The Journal Analyzer allows you to select up to 10 journals for comparison; the results are uploaded into graphs, making it easy to see how journals perform relative to each other.

Additionally the SNIP, SJR and now IPP (Impact per Publication) values can also be viewed per journal in the publicly available title list or via the 'Browse sources' tab in Scopus (only SNIP and SJR are currently in the Scopus interface).

Some additional resources for Journal Metrics:

  • Find out more about Journal Metrics and download the metrics directly at

  • Read the latest ElsevierConnect article on the 2013 Journal Metrics release

  • Learn more about Elsevier's general approach toward metrics, read the Elsevier response to a call for evidence from HEFCE

Have feedback on journal metrics or Scopus? Please email us.

Release Date: 
July 22 2014

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