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Celebrating Valentine’s Day: SciVal and Scopus investigate Cupid’s Chemicals

on Sat, 02/13/2016 - 19:22

Valentine’s Day has evolved into a celebration of one of the strongest of human emotions, romantic love. The visible signs of love can be obvious to spot, from a racing pulse to flushed cheeks, but it appears that Cupid is not working alone.

According to one of the best-known researchers on the topic, Dr. Helen Fisher, Senior Research Fellow, at The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, and a Member of the Center For Human Evolutionary Studies in the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University, when it comes to love, we are at the mercy of our biochemistry. Fisher concludes that each of the three stages of falling in love are aided by different set of hormones.

Using Scopus and SciVal, we have investigated the chemicals related to each stage of love to see the people, papers and journals behind the ‘Science of Love.’ #CupidsChemicals
