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Funding Acknowledgement Information Available for 11 Million Articles

on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 20:17

Scopus allows users to search the funding acknowledgement section of ~11 million documents, making it simple to find previously funded research.

Why is previously awarded funding data important?

  • It enables researchers to see what research has been funded by whom in order to prepare for their own grant submissions; and to support a current grant application by showing information about previous performance
  • It enables institutions and funders to determine how much research is associated with funding they have sponsored; and to ensure that funding mandates are being adhered to

What’s available in Scopus?

  • Funding acknowledgment information is available for ~11M Scopus documents
  • This information is easily discoverable within the refine results section of the search results. This allows users to track the research output and influence for a funding body or a specific grant

  • You can also conduct a search for all funding information to find documents that acknowledge a particular sponsor, lab, researcher, funding body, grant number, etc., to discover research funded or supported by a particular entity

If you have Scopus, then you have funding data!

Start searching for funding data on Scopus now.

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