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Meet the Team: Kalyani Sridhar, Senior Engagement Manager, Secondary Content Operations

on Wed, 12/23/2020 - 19:31

This profile is part of a Scopus blog series, featuring the Secondary Content Operations team. This team looks after the relationships with all third parties such as publishers, societies and funding agencies whose content is included in Scopus, Engineering Village and other multi-publisher platforms. 

Name:  Kalyani Sridhar 

Job title:  Senior Engagement Manager, Secondary Content Operations  

How would you explain your job to a stranger on a bus? First, I would ask what that person is doing for work. If the person worked in research or publishing, I would explain I help support third-party content on Scopus.  I would say that I help researches get a huge audience for their work and expand their readership network.   

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am a calm, but fun-loving person. I am interested in gardening and have a small garden. I love to explore places less travelled and acquire historical mementos that remind me of those places.  

When did you join Elsevier? Way back in 2008. 

What do you love most about your job? I love the idea of bringing smiles while informing the publishers that their journal is going to be indexed in our product(s).   

What’s the last book you read?  Our Iceberg is Melting by John Kotter 

What was your favourite subject in school?  Geography 

What’s one thing you want people to know about Elsevier? Not only are we one of the top most publishing giants, but we are also moving to digital solutions. 

Tell us about a time you made a content partner smile! Ph.D scholars’ papers were visible in our database just on time, before the students faced their open house session.  

What’s the most exciting part of your job? Building trust with our working partners by regular conversation, then everything becomes easy😊 

What keeps you awake at night?  I am blessed with instant sleep. 

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned this week? I learned about the NASH equilibrium, a principal in non-cooperative game theory. (Editor’s note:  You can find John Nash’s Scopus Author Profile here).
