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Meet the Team: Rachel Guenevere Brennesholtz, Senior Publisher Relations Manager

on Wed, 12/23/2020 - 21:21

This profile is part of a Scopus blog series, featuring the Secondary Content Operations team. This team looks after the relationships with all third parties such as publishers, societies and funding agencies whose content is included in Scopus, Engineering Village and other multi-publisher platforms. 

Name: Rachel Guenevere Brennesholtz

Job title: Senior Publisher Relations Manager, Secondary Content Operations

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I grew up on a farm in rural New York and moved to Philadelphia after university.  One thing that people always find interesting is that I did my MBA in Mumbai, India.  I am a cyclist and an apple pie lover, which makes living in Amsterdam perfect. The Dutch love their bikes and always finish a long ride with pie.     

When did you join Elsevier? June 2015. I moved from the US to Amsterdam to run Pure marketing and moved into the Secondary Content Operations team in October 2020.

What do you love most about your job? I love knowing that our team helps scientists do comprehensive literature searches. It’s really important right now, when the whole world is coming together to fight both the medical and social impact of COVID.    

What’s the last book you read? I just finished Mariah Carey’s memoir, “The Meaning of Mariah Carey.”

What was your favorite subject in school? Math and Art.  I went on to study Math in university and still draw a lot!

How would you explain your job to a stranger on a bus? I help scholarly publishers, funding agencies and other organizations promote their work to the research community. One of my special projects is to make sure that we are a good partner to our third-party content providers.

What’s one thing you want people to know about Elsevier? The team behind Elsevier is full of some of the smartest, most interesting people I’ve ever worked with.  I also love that I get to work with such a diverse, smart group of customers.

Tell us about a time you made a content partner smile. I just got a lovely holiday note from one of our customers.  

What’s the most exciting part of your job? I like learning about the new areas of research we are supporting and hearing about all the behind the scenes work

What keeps you awake at night? Worrying about whether our content partners are happy!

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned this week? I learned PharmaPendium, an Elsevier solution, was one of the tools that the Pfizer and AstraZenca COVID vaccine teams had access to.   
