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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) now available on the Scopus Organizational Profile

on Fri, 01/19/2024 - 16:42

We're excited to introduce a groundbreaking feature on Scopus that brings transparency to an organization's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) impact. The new SDG tab, seamlessly integrated into the Organizational Profile page, offers users a comprehensive view of how their institution contributes to global sustainability. 

What's New? 

A dedicated SDG tab has been added to the Scopus Organizational Profile page, allowing users to explore the SDG impact of an organization effortlessly. This innovative feature showcases the number of documents published by the organization that have contributed to specific SDGs. For example, if your institution has authored documents contributing to SDG number 3, 'Good health and well-being,' you can now easily access this information on your profile page. 

This feature is designed with our registered users in mind, particularly those who are keen to understand the SDG contributions of their organization. Librarians and Research Office personnel, who are often power users, will find this tool invaluable in assessing and communicating their organization’s global impact. 

Dive Deeper 

Clicking on an SDG title opens a window to the right, providing the formal United Nations description of that specific SDG. This not only enhances awareness but also educates users about the global goals they are contributing to through their research efforts.  

Navigate the Impact 

The new SDG tab allows users to click on the document count link, revealing a detailed list of all documents contributing to the selected SDG. This page includes essential information such as Open Access (OA) status, article titles, authors, and source details. Hyperlinks for articles and authors enable users to delve deeper into the research behind each SDG contribution.  

How do you access this feature 

To access this feature, users must be viewing the new version of the Organization profile page. The new page has been gradually released since November, and some users may have it as their default page. For others, opting in is simple – just use the "Try the test version" button at the top of the page. By March 2024, the new page will become the default for all users, and everyone will be able to explore the SDGs tab seamlessly. 

Embrace the future of research impact assessment with Scopus' new SDG tab. Explore, understand, and showcase your organization's commitment to sustainable development. Start making a difference today! 


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