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What’s new on Scopus: More filter options now available for patent results and more

on Wed, 08/29/2018 - 18:43

Patent office refine search results option

From the document results page on Scopus (once you have conducted a search), you will have the option to click on “View XXXX patent results”. This will open a new screen that will show the patent results based on the search string.

The patent search results will have a side bar on the left side on the screen to refine the search results.

From the refine results facets on the left, there is now an option to refine the search results on Patent Offices.


Author ID in CSV & TXT export

A column for Author IDs will be added in the document export options for CSV and TXT. This column will contain the author profile IDs of the authors for the exported references.

The current Author column provides only full names. The addition of Author IDs will make it easier to confidently determine the author(s) of an article.

Analyze Author Output – redesign of page layout

The “Analyze author output” tool in Scopus has been redesigned to replace the current tabbed view with a new dashboard view. This allows users to get a more comprehensive overview of the various graphs for their respective document set. 

  • Main feature functions have remained on the page and graphs have all been updated.
  • Changing to a different graph can be done by clicking on the respective mini-graphs below the main graph.
  • Zooming in on a line graph can be done by clicking and dragging a section in the graph.

The documents graphs have been rolled into a single mini-graph. When a user clicks to expand the documents mini-graph, the default display will be “Documents by Source”. Any other mini-graphs (related to author output) can be expanded clicking on them.


Redesign of Various Pages

Continuing with the new look and feel that has been applied to Scopus throughout the past year, you will now notice an updated look for the following pages.

Find related documents by references:

Find related documents by Authors:

Find related documents by keywords:


Release Date: 
August 29 2018
