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January 2022

Scopus filters for Open Access type and Green OA full-text access option

on Thu, 01/13/2022 - 18:39

Scopus Open Access filters and new Green OA full-text access

In December 2020, Scopus introduced Open Access filters, providing greater clarity on the type of open access options for a given search.

Go from discovery to full-text access on Scopus! New full-text options available now

on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 14:34

Scopus aims to provide the most streamlined path from discovery to access, to enable you to find and make use of full-text version of the research content you are looking for. Wherever possible, we aim to link to the version of record (VOR), also known as the final published version. When this is not possible, we now provide access to the repository/Green Open Access (Green OA) version, when available. Learn more about our updated full-text options on the Scopus Document Details page.


Understanding societal impact just got easier: We added the UN SDGs to the Document details page

on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 15:00

As part of our ongoing work to enhance the research signals and insights that Scopus delivers, in January 2022, we added a new option to the Document details page.

Alongside the publication’s metrics, we will list the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) relevant to that paper.

The list of SDGs that a publication is linked to can be found below the Indexed keywords on the Document details page.