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New Author Feedback Wizard (AFW) improvements: we’ve optimized the user journey and added preprints data

on Wed, 09/08/2021 - 23:18

We are pleased to announce a host of Author Feedback Wizard (AFW) enhancements, designed to save you time and improve the quality and accuracy of your Scopus Author Profiles.

So, what’s changed in the AFW?

  1. We’ve simplified the wizard and introduced modular options that support faster and easier updates.
  2. You can now use the AFW to provide feedback on any preprints linked to your profile.
  3. The AFW supports more granular and detailed feedback than ever before.  

The old AFW workflow

Prior to the new release, updating an author profile involved providing feedback on each one of the profile’s components - even those unaffected by your change request.

The new AFW workflow

Now, you can skip that step-by-step process and provide feedback on an individual component of an author profile, saving you time and effort. The new workflow also delivers visual feedback on the changes you are requesting, so it’s easy to spot and correct errors prior to submission.  Importantly, we’ve added the option to update any preprints associated with the profile.

Why make these improvements to the AFW?

One of the key reasons is to simplify the feedback process for you and your researchers, in line with the best practice principles set out by the Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics, which Elsevier endorsed in 2020.

Learn more about Elsevier’s commitment to responsible research metrics.

The AFW enhancements also increase alignment with the structure and layout of the new improved author profile page, making navigation more intuitive.

Release Date: 
September 8 2021

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