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Scopus book expansion project nearly complete

on Fri, 11/13/2015 - 14:03

This week the first ever #Academic Book Week is happening throughout the UK and beyond. Academic Book Week is a series of events, competitions, promotions and social media activity, all taking place from November 9-16, 2015.

Why does Scopus care about books? Increased coverage of Scopus book content provides researchers, especially those working in book-based disciplines, a broader frame of reference to complement what is published in primary research journals. It also allows for bibliometric and citation analysis of that content.

When we started the Book Title Expansion Project, we originally aimed to add 75,000 new books – a number that was already reached in February this year. By the end of this year Scopus will have indexed 120,000 book titles! And when the project formally ends this year, we will continue to invest in books content in order to index an additional 20,000 titles per year.

Publishers and content covered in the Books Expansion Project
The books that are added to Scopus mainly focus on Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities, but also cover Science, Technology and Medicine.

  • Coverage years: back to 2003 (Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities) or 2005 (STM)
  • Book types in scope: Monographs, edited volumes, major reference works, graduate level text books
  • Book types not in scope: dissertations, undergraduate level text books, atlas, yearbook, biography, popular science books, manuals

Books from more than 40 major publishers such as Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Brill, Taylor & Francis, Walter de Gruyter, Princeton University Press, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Project Muse and Elsevier have been indexed.

Visit the Scopus info site for an up-to-date overview of the Books Expansion Project and a list of the books indexed in Scopus

Release Date: 
November 13 2015
