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Webinar: How Unilever uses SciVal to help accelerate innovation

on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 19:14

“Scopus helps us do more “E-Science” – scientific investigation that can be undertaken more effectively, less expensively, and without having to perform work in the lab that has already been done by others or that isn’t likely to produce relevant outcomes.”

— David Younghusband, Information Systems Specialist, Unilever R&D

The Unilever Information Team uses SciVal, which is underpinned by Scopus data, to help accelerate innovation and boost competitiveness. The advanced analytics and supercomputer technology of SciVal allows them to build a variety of perspectives into research performance and address such challenges as:

  • Finding technology partners
  • Measuring against the competition
  • Identifying emerging technology areas.  

The SciVal team invites you to join an interactive webinar in which the Unilever information team will share how SciVal helps them to solve these challenges.

Register now

  • Date: Thursday Feb 25
  • Time: 15:00 – 15:30 GMT
  • Presenters: Kathey Towler and David Younghusband from Technical Information Services

Learn more about SciVal and come prepared with your questions.


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