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Scopus Case Study: Finding the best scientific minds to partner with

on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 20:35

Having access to a robust network of experts provides companies with a leg up in pursuing the most innovative approaches to drug discovery. When exploring uncharted territories such as new therapeutic areas or new molecules, the most competitive companies tap into the best minds in science that will guide them to the right experts to collaborate with and which avenues to pursue. This is where comprehensive access to literature and research trends matters.

Webinar: How Unilever uses SciVal to help accelerate innovation

on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 19:14

“Scopus helps us do more “E-Science” – scientific investigation that can be undertaken more effectively, less expensively, and without having to perform work in the lab that has already been done by others or that isn’t likely to produce relevant outcomes.”

— David Younghusband, Information Systems Specialist, Unilever R&D

The Unilever Information Team uses SciVal, which is underpinned by Scopus data, to help accelerate innovation and boost

How to use Scopus to identify key opinion leaders in 6 easy steps

on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 17:28

Making sure you can identify partners and key influencers within your research field is an important part of the research process. With Scopus you can quickly and comprehensively track the major research players in your field. For example, looking at the field of oncology, you can determine who the key opinion leaders are in this area by following these 6 easy steps:

  1. Perform a <Document Search> on “oncology”
  2. <Limit> the years to 2013-2015 to ensure you get the most recent research on this area

Case Study: Improved productivity in pharmaceutical R&D

on Sun, 11/29/2015 - 20:13

The challenges in the pharma industry are well known. A low rate of NCE (new chemical entities) being brought to market; the expensive, timely clinical trial; and stringent regulatory procedures combined put pharma under pressure to increase productivity and carefully select and fulfil unmet medical needs.

In this case study, a health economist and a patent counsel share their thoughts on why Scopus plays an integral role in their

Case Study: Increased competitive advantage in developing functional materials

on Fri, 10/09/2015 - 21:43

At a leading supplier of functional materials, a couple of research engineers shared with us how they use Scopus to save time and increase their competitive advantage in developing advanced functional materials.

Developing attractive new products, improving existing products to better satisfy evolving customer expectations, and upgrading manufacturing processes to be more efficient are the top concerns of this company.

Case Study: Energized innovation with Scopus

on Wed, 09/09/2015 - 21:05

At a global packaging manufacturer, Scopus is a key resource for the main information researcher. Like many researchers across all industries and types, the information researcher in this study uses Scopus to deliver reports that energize innovation and improve competitive development.

To do this, the information researcher has to overcome two main challenges in her work; the limited timeframe in which to find the relevant information, and

Case Study: Scopus improves productivity with better supportive documentation

on Wed, 08/05/2015 - 21:39

Scopus remains the solution of preference for researchers across all types of research institutions—academic, corporate, governmental. In this case study an information specialist and a senior scientist describe how Scopus is essential to their personal productivity in finding supportive documentation.

The company that shared this with us provides high-quality biomarker-testing solutions for the diagnosis of critically ill patients.

Case Study: Scopus supports innovation in diagnostic testing

on Tue, 02/24/2015 - 09:47

Did you know that Scopus is used by more than 3,000 academic, government and corporate institutions? We had the chance to interview some of the corporate researchers who work with Scopus on a regular basis and asked them about their experience. This is the story of Chris, a biologist and an experienced research scientist in parasitology and virology.

In his current role as a regional head of R&D, Chris focuses on existing product support as well as