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Scopus Author Identifiers: Further linking with ORCID

on Wed, 09/04/2013 - 14:27

It has been almost a year since ORCID – the open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers – was launched.  More than 253,000 ORCID profiles have been created as of today. Since its launch, the Scopus team has continued to add enhanced integration points while supporting the mission of ORCID.

The first effort was the Scopus2ORCID Feedback Wizard which allows researchers to associate their Scopus Author Identifier to their ORCID and import papers from Scopus to his/her ORCID profile. The application has helped more than 28,500 researchers create their ORCIDs, and between them, they’ve exported nearly 1.2 million article records. Next, we launched the “Add to ORCID” functionality visible on the Scopus Author Details pages.

And last week, the ORCID Information app/feature went live to all Scopus users. The more than 28,500 Scopus Author Identifiers that are  associated with an ORCID now link to ORCID and display all public information, which currently can include the following: Also known as, Biography, and Websites.

Read more on ElsevierConnect about how Elsevier integrates with and supports ORCID via incorporation into the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) and initiatives such as ORCIDLive. Learn more about ORCID on their website:, visit ORCID’s news page: or follow ORCID on Twitter.

Clicking image takes you to Laura Paglione's author profile in Scopus

Release Date: 
August 24 2013
