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What’s new on Scopus: Introducing the new Document Download Manager, ORCID Document Search and other exciting updates

on Fri, 12/08/2017 - 19:51

This week brought several updates and enhancements to Scopus. Continue reading for an overview of the changes to Document Download Manager, Advanced Search, CiteScore, ORCID Document Search and the Author Details Pages.

Document Download Manager – Google Chrome Extension

Scopus is proud to introduce the new Document Download Manager (DDM) free Extension for Google Chrome, enabling users to select one or more abstracts and automatically download their PDF full-text versions from publisher web

Release Date: 
December 6 2017

Check, Correct, Submit: How to ensure accuracy in your Scopus Author Profile

on Fri, 06/24/2016 - 00:21

The data behind your Scopus Author Profile informs the outward view of your scholarly information—total number of citations, publication history, h-index—not only in Scopus itself, but across other entities supported by Scopus data. These measures may play a factor in tenure, funding or in other decisions; therefore, it is important to ensure your profile reflects your information correctly.

Scopus interface improvements released Saturday, September 6

on Mon, 09/08/2014 - 08:46

Since launching a more streamlined interface in February, the Scopus Team has been working on additional site developments that include enhancing Scopus analysis tools as well as improving ORCID functionality.

Taking a close look at the Scopus analysis tools, the team made some changes that better support day-to-day research tasks. As a result all analysis tools have been redesigned to provide a more consistent experience across Scopus.

Release Date: 
September 6 2014

Earth Day 2014: Making a positive impact on science

on Mon, 04/21/2014 - 21:17

The date for Earth Day was chosen because April 22 fell between the academic spring break and final exams. Choosing that time of year meant students would likely be available to celebrate and recognize the day. In addition to post-secondary students taking a break, April is the month when many elementary and secondary school science fairs conclude.

For me, this year’s Earth Day marks the end of a 6-month journey to a middle school science

Scopus Panel at ALA-Midwinter: New Possibilities in Evaluation Metrics

on Wed, 01/22/2014 - 15:37

Join the Scopus team at ALA-Midwinter this upcoming Sunday for a special panel on "New Possibilities in Evaluation Metrics: Authors + Altmetrics = ?". The panel will take place in Elsevier booth #1207 on January 26 at 3:00 PM.

The topic:

Since Scopus launched 10 years ago, publishers, institutions, librarians, and researchers have become enmeshed in a radical reinvention of the means by which authors and readers interact with and evaluate one another.

Scopus Author Identifiers: Further linking with ORCID

on Wed, 09/04/2013 - 14:27

It has been almost a year since ORCID – the open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers – was launched.  More than 253,000 ORCID profiles have been created as of today. Since its launch, the Scopus team has continued to add enhanced integration points while supporting the mission of ORCID.

The first effort was the Scopus2ORCID Feedback Wizard which allows

Release Date: 
August 24 2013