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Scopus to Launch New User Interface Enhancements

on Tue, 12/17/2013 - 16:11

In our efforts to continuously improve the Scopus user experience, we plan to make important enhancements to the Scopus user interface in early February 2014. These product enhancements focus on streamlining the researcher workflow by optimizing the interface for core use cases. Over the next few weeks we will blog on specific changes as well as direct you to training materials.

One important change is that the user interface becomes more action driven; as a user selects certain results to work with (e.g. for refinement, citation analysis or to export references), the action buttons or links will become “active” and make the experience more intuitive. Another important change is that results page will be optimized for easier scanning of the search results. Below, you can view a screen shot of how the results page will look in the new interface.

You can share your feedback via our Scopus Marketing email address. Stay tuned to this blog for additional updates.

Release Date: 
February 1 2014
