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Peer-reviewed publication about Scopus: “Scopus as a curated, high-quality bibliometric data source for academic research in quantitative science studies”

on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 17:07

We are pleased to announce that a peer-reviewed research article about Scopus has been published in the inaugural issue of the journal “Quantitative Science Studies”, published by MIT Press. This first issue contains a supplementary special issue on bibliographic data sources used by academic researchers in the fields of bibliometrics and scientometrics.

Looking to build a high-performance team for a project?

on Thu, 02/20/2020 - 11:07

Develop a wish list of potential candidates by identifying and analyzing experts in a research field and then draw insights into who might complement your project and particular funding applications.

Use Scopus to identify, analyze and track potential dream teams the steps outlined below:

Enter search string for the search area of interest. Use the AND bullion to limit the search further.

The search produces 53,708 document results which you can

Release Date: 
February 20 2020

Cited Reference Searching in Scopus

on Mon, 02/17/2020 - 09:52

You can use Scopus to conduct a Cited Reference Search, which gives you the ability to search the list of references in articles, books, etc. If the reference which you are starting with is very relevant to your research, other related publications have probably cited references which are also relevant to your research. Cited reference searching is a useful extension to your standard keyword search.

Step 1. Navigate to the Document search page and enter the keywords "clean energy" OR "green

Scopus is experiencing some issues related to content currency

on Thu, 09/26/2019 - 15:25

Content loading issue resolved! We have resolved our content loading issue and all content is now current and complete. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Scopus uses a number of suppliers to help us ensure we have the most current content available to power our user’s searches, alerts as well as author and affiliation profiles.

One of our suppliers has faced some delays in loading content to Scopus, meaning that some sources might not have the most recent issues or articles available

Scopus Institution Profile Wizard

on Mon, 08/19/2019 - 15:48

The Institution Profile Wizard allows institutions (with Scopus access) to modify their institution profiles and correct their organizational hierarchies to ensure the correct set of institution profiles are grouped together and displayed on Scopus.

As Scopus institutional publication data is included in various ranking methodologies (e.g. Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings), this tool allows for greater accuracy when reporting institutional data.

Scopus migrating to an improved sign-in system

on Thu, 08/15/2019 - 14:36

Scopus will integrate with Elsevier's new Identity Management System, which will improve users’ sign-in, registration and remote access experience, as well as allow for Single-Sign-On across Elsevier products and services.

This new user experience is designed to be intuitive, but there will be some minor changes in the sign-in or registration process when outside of your institutional IP range.

Please click here to see what may change for you and your users in the sign on screen.

Fact or Fiction? Hyphens in an article title negatively impact citation counts

on Wed, 06/12/2019 - 17:59

A recent article in the journal IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering by Zhi Quan Zhou, T.H. Tse, and Matt Witheridge, doi: 10.1109/TSE.2019.2915065, has drawn attention due to its claim that the number of hyphens in article titles negatively impacts the citation counts of such articles in abstract and citation databases such as Scopus and Web of Science.

Hyphens do not play a role in Scopus reference linking. Scopus matching algorithms (e.g.

CiteScore 2018 metrics now available

on Tue, 05/14/2019 - 20:37

The CiteScore™ 2018 metrics are freely available for more than 23,830 titles.

Powered by Scopus, CiteScore metrics evaluate serial citation impact over a three-year period. Now the CiteScore 2018 metrics are available, revealing the latest annual assessments of thousands of scholarly publications.

What sets CiteScore metrics apart from the competition? They are comprehensive, transparent and free.

Comprehensive coverage: Available for 23,830+ titles on Scopus—including peer-reviewed journals,

Check out CiteScore Tracker to see how a title’s CiteScore is building each month

on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 18:50

Scopus is a source neutral, expertly curated abstract and citation database, making it well positioned to enable users to discover and analyze the world of research.

CiteScore metrics, which measure the impact of thousands of journals by calculating the average number of citations per article over a three-year period, can help researchers determine which journals they should publish in.

Join our webinar on Scopus APIs on Tuesday 7 May

on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 23:08

Click here to register for our free webinar, on Tuesday 7 May, co-presented by Bill Mischo, Head of the Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Matt Direnzo, Senior Elsevier Product Manager.

Scopus captures articles being published in virtually all scholarly journals of any significance in the world; and its profiling of authors and institutions makes it easy to find new articles by those authors at those institutions.
