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Scopus to partner with Mendeley Web Importer for full-text document download

on Wed, 04/14/2021 - 20:43

As a result of user feedback regarding the limitations of the current Scopus document download solution and the need to have easier and broader access to full-text documents, Scopus will be testing integration with the Mendeley Web Importer (MWI) as a means to achieve broader and seamless full-text access.


Scopus users can currently download document full-text PDFs using the Scopus Document Download Manager (DDM) Extension. The extension uses users’ IP credentials to authenticate

Improvements to funding data in Scopus: Now 16.5M articles with funding information and easier to identify funded research

on Mon, 04/12/2021 - 16:48


1. Scopus product enrichment (including deduplication work and data linking improvements) in the Funding Information section of publication records has resulted in:

  • more articles with funding information: 16.5M Scopus articles now contain funding information (this includes 900K new articles!)
  • the ability for users to see all identified funders associated with a given work, with a higher level of granularity: 3M Grant ID to Funder relationships have been positively impacted.


Tracking a game changer: quantum computing research trends report

on Tue, 04/06/2021 - 18:38

A new Scopus research trends report explores the exponential growth of publication in quantum computing. A quantum computer can radically outperform a classical computer opening up possibilities for solving large problems quickly. However, significant hurdles need to be overcome before quantum computing hits the mainstream.

If not yet investing, research and business enterprises that want to future proof their strategy can start tracking quantum computing.

The importance of high-quality content in Scopus

on Fri, 02/12/2021 - 14:53

Maintaining the integrity of Scopus and its high-quality, curated content is of paramount importance to us. Scopus is vigilant in identifying and discontinuing journals that are, or have become, predatory.

Nature recently published an article based on research looking into predatory publishing using Beall’s list as a definition for predatory journals. Beall’s list has not been maintained since 2017.

This article is based on a study from 2017 which we were aware of.

Understand Scopus and SciVal’s role in university rankings

on Fri, 02/12/2021 - 12:50

Ranking methodologies rely on data inputs from a range of external resources. These resources often include university and researcher data, relevant data on human resources, student administration, finances, and data from reputation surveys; each varying based on a league table's niche and focus.

Ranking organizations have increasingly turned to Elsevier's Scopus and SciVal for the research information and publication data used to formulate and implement their ranking methodologies.

Two such

Release Date: 
February 15 2021

Meet the Team: Surya Nedunchezhiyan, Engagement Manager

on Fri, 02/05/2021 - 14:59

This profile is part of a Scopus blog series, featuring the Research Content Operations team. This team looks after the relationships with all third parties such as publishers, societies and funding agencies whose content is included in Scopus, Engineering Village and other multi-publisher platforms. 

Name:  Surya Nedunchezhiyan

Job title:  Engagement Manager

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I’m a small-town person who moved to

Preprints are now in Scopus!

on Thu, 01/28/2021 - 21:39

We are excited to announce that Scopus is now incorporating preprints as a content type in Author Profiles to help Scopus users discover the latest contributions of a researcher. Preprints are non-peer-reviewed publications and are directly derived from arXiv, bioRxiv, ChemRxiv and medRxiv servers (with SSRN coming later this year) and follow their respective curation policies. Preprints do not affect existing publication and citation metrics in Scopus.

Scopus covers preprints from 2017

Scopus homepage re-design coming January 18

on Thu, 01/14/2021 - 19:22

We are testing and improving the Scopus homepage over the next few months, starting with a refresh of the search form. This is to make it simpler, easier to use and more accessible based on direct feedback from our users.

We initially tested this new design with an A/B test (which you may have seen) and have been closely monitoring your feedback. The results indicate that the new design is performing better and helps users to more effectively search for valuable insights.

Meet the Team: Rachel Guenevere Brennesholtz, Senior Publisher Relations Manager

on Wed, 12/23/2020 - 21:21

This profile is part of a Scopus blog series, featuring the Secondary Content Operations team. This team looks after the relationships with all third parties such as publishers, societies and funding agencies whose content is included in Scopus, Engineering Village and other multi-publisher platforms. 

Name: Rachel Guenevere Brennesholtz

Job title: Senior Publisher Relations Manager, Secondary Content

Meet the Team: Kalyani Sridhar, Senior Engagement Manager, Secondary Content Operations

on Wed, 12/23/2020 - 19:31

This profile is part of a Scopus blog series, featuring the Secondary Content Operations team. This team looks after the relationships with all third parties such as publishers, societies and funding agencies whose content is included in Scopus, Engineering Village and other multi-publisher platforms. 

Name:  Kalyani Sridhar 

Job title:  Senior Engagement Manager, Secondary Content Operations  

How would you explain your
