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Author Profiles

Meet the Scopus celebrities

on Thu, 11/27/2014 - 12:10

With a total of 55 million records, Scopus delivers a comprehensive overview of research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and the arts and humanities. Inevitably, some of the authors indexed in Scopus are bound to be more popular or have more impact than others.

Certain authors, however, are true celebrities of worldwide fame (achieved, incidentally, not merely on scientific merits). We'd like to introduce you to some of them.

Brian May: Rocking the astrophysics

The Nobel laureates in Scopus

on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 10:23

The winners of this year’s Nobel Prizes in Medicine, Physics, Chemistry and Economics have all published with Elsevier, making pioneering contributions to science and medicine. We are honored to work with these extraordinary scientists, who have also served as editors, editorial board members or reviewers for different Elsevier journals.

You can discover more about the Nobel laureates and their research by looking at their Author Profiles on Scopus and reading a selection of their output.


Scopus h-index being updated to include content from 1970 to the present

on Thu, 10/23/2014 - 22:08

The Scopus Cited Reference Expansion, announced in March, is well on its way. Our October 23 release saw the expansion of the h-index publication window to 1970. The previous publication window was from 1996 onwards.

As a result, the Scopus Author Profile page may show an increase of the h-index count for some authors. These changes in the h-index count are also visible in the author profile in “Analyze author output” h-index and the Cited by (citations) tab.

Release Date: 
October 24 2014

Open Access on Scopus

on Wed, 10/22/2014 - 14:40

This week is Open Access Week 2014, a global event that gives the academic and research community an opportunity to learn more about Open Access. We thought it was worth noting that out of the  21,000+ journals indexed by Scopus, 2,800 are gold open access journals (DOAJ-registered). You can view these titles in the publicly-available Scopus title list.

Moreover, Scopus features other “open” features like our open author profiles – just google “free author lookup” to access them:

The new Scopus author profile page has arrived

on Tue, 06/03/2014 - 07:57

In conjunction with this year’s Scopus 10 year anniversary, the team embarked on a site improvement program that resulted in the launch of a more streamlined interface in February.  With the overall Scopus house looking better it was time to give the Author Profile page a closer look.


Newly revamped, old distractions on the Author Profile page are gone and the best tools remain. For example, if an ORCID ID is associated with a

Release Date: 
May 31 2014

Scopus released new interface on February 1

on Thu, 02/13/2014 - 12:24

The Scopus 10thanniversary release went live on February 1. The primary goal of the redesign was to optimize core workflows. This means effort was made to minimize the number of steps a researcher needs to take to accomplish a given task. Specifically, we focused on streamlining our interface to support the most common use cases.


For a detailed review of the changes, please view the video or read the full release notes (PDF).